Science of Sleep

Sleep is fascinating - Nox Health
Sleep is fascinating

While Nox Health evolved into a sleep tech company, we started off dedicated to digging into the science of sleep, and remain deeply invested in this pursuit of knowledge.

Most people are in the dark when it comes to sleep and greatly underestimate how poor sleep can affect the body and mind, and overestimate how well you can make up for it. Sleep issues may not seem as urgent when compared to heart disease, hypertension or diabetes. But what is overlooked is that sleep is a major aggravator of chronic conditions. Conversely, many chronic diseases exacerbate obstructive sleep apnea and worsen sleep quality.

While Nox Health evolved into a sleep tech company, we started off dedicated to digging into the science of sleep, and remain deeply invested in this pursuit of knowledge.

Most people are in the dark when it comes to sleep and greatly underestimate how poor sleep can affect the body and mind, and overestimate how well you can make up for it. Sleep issues may not seem as urgent when compared to heart disease, hypertension or diabetes. But what is overlooked is that sleep is a major aggravator of chronic conditions. Conversely, many chronic diseases exacerbate obstructive sleep apnea and worsen sleep quality.

High prevalence of sleep apnea
in common chronic conditions/diseases
High prevalence of sleep apnea in common chronic conditions or diseases - Nox Health
Impact of sleep disruption
on type II diabetes
Impact of sleep disruption on type 2 diabetes - Nox Health
Einhorn et al. Endocrine Prac 2007; O’Keefe and Patterson Obes Surgery 2004; Tasali E et al., OSA and type 2 diabetes. Chest 2008;133:496-506; Sjostron et al.Thorax 2002, Bassetti et al. Sleep; 1999, Schafer et al. Cardiology 1999; Oldenburg et al. Eur J Heart Failure, 2007; Harvard Med School & McKinsey Co.The Price of Fatigue Report: the surprising economic costs of unmanaged sleep apnea, December, 2010; National Institute of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Lee J. et al. Poor-quality sleep is associated with metabolic syndrome in Korean adults, Tohoku J Exp Med 2013;231:281-91; Tasali E et al., OSA and metabolic syndrome. Proc Am Thorac Soc 2008;5:207-17; Parish JM et al., Relationship of metabolic syndrome and OSA. J Clin Sleep Med 2007;3(5):467-72; Goyal SK and Sharma A, atrial fibrillation in OSA. World J of Cardiol 2013;5(6):157-63; Kanagala R et al., OSA and the recurrence of AFib. Circulation 2003;107:2589-94; Jung H et al., GERD and sleep disorders. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2010;16(1):22-29; Basoglu OK et al., OSA and GERD-the importance of obesity and gender. Sleep Breath 2015;19(2):585-92; Sharafkhaneh A et al., Ass. of psychiatric disorders and OSA in large cohort. Sleep 2005;28(11):1405-11; Gupta MA et al., OSA and psych. disorders-a systematic review. JCSM 2015;11(2):165-75

Deep, restful nighttime sleep is critical to ensure the body and brain are able to reset, renew and power back up in the morning so you wake up refreshed. Although we might think that this is a time when things shut off or become passive, sleep is actually an active process.

Several important hormones that regulate energy and metabolism are regulated during sleep. When sleep is disturbed, it can impair these hormones, leading to imbalance in energy regulation and changes in appetite.

The brain normally “clears out” a substance called amyloids during sleep. However, chronic sleep disturbance impairs this process, which can lead to a build-up of amyloids over time. This has been linked to impaired cognitive functioning and Alzheimer’s disease.

Deep, restful nighttime sleep is critical to ensure the body and brain are able to reset, renew and power back up in the morning so you wake up refreshed. Although we might think that this is a time when things shut off or become passive, sleep is actually an active process.

Several important hormones that regulate energy and metabolism are regulated during sleep. When sleep is disturbed, it can impair these hormones, leading to imbalance in energy regulation and changes in appetite.

The brain normally “clears out” a substance called amyloids during sleep. However, chronic sleep disturbance impairs this process, which can lead to a build-up of amyloids over time. This has been linked to impaired cognitive functioning and Alzheimer’s disease.

A restful night of sleep is a time of active renweal - Nox Health
Studies have found that sleep deprivation causes a disconnect between the areas of the brain that control executive function and areas of the brain that control emotion regulation. This appears to be the biological basis of the link between sleep and mental health.
Studies have found that sleep deprivation causes a disconnect between the areas of the brain that control executive function and areas of the brain that control emotion regulation. This appears to be the biological basis of the link between sleep and mental health.
The fight-or-flight response is your body’s way of responding to stress. As part of the response, the body can enter a state of hyperarousal, which makes it very difficult to fall and stay asleep. In the case of chronic insomnia, the inability to sleep becomes its own source of stress, leading to a vicious cycle of hyperarousal and sleeplessness – even when there is no obvious outside stress!
The fight-or-flight response is your body’s way of responding to stress. As part of the response, the body can enter a state of hyperarousal, which makes it very difficult to fall and stay asleep. In the case of chronic insomnia, the inability to sleep becomes its own source of stress, leading to a vicious cycle of hyperarousal and sleeplessness – even when there is no obvious outside stress!
Woman peacefully sleeping - Nox Health
Over 50% of people with depression report insomnia or sleepiness - Nox Health